Did you know Springtime is an EXCELLENT time to cleanse your body of toxins and reboot your metabolism after the slower and more sluggish time of winter? That’s because the end of spring is a time where your body is NATURALLY ready to let go of toxins after a season of sitting on your ass, eating too much, and not exercising the way you know you should be!
Welcome to Amaya Shiva’s 5-day Total Reset Kitchari cleanse!
In this total health reboot and toxin elimination program, Amaya Shiva, certified Āyurvedic Practitioner, will guide you through ANCIENT Ayurvedic techniques to help you finally start getting rid of all that toxic goop that’s built up in your body.
This cleanse is for you if you suffer from
Or simply want to maintain your already epic health care maintenance plan!
Can you commit 5 days to cleaning house for enhanced metabolism, great gut health, radiant beauty, and a renewed sense of balance and meaning?
You may have heard of a Kitchari cleanse before, which is a special kind of fast based on eating a mono diet of this Ayurvedic superfood used for over 5,000 years to bring healing to people ready for better health, happiness, and longevity.
Unlike other cleanses, this cleanse is amazing because
Instead you get to call in
How is that for an upgrade?
“But I’m busy, I don’t have time for a cleanse, and I can’t afford to get tired”
This cleanse is designed to be easy to follow, energizing, AND inexpensive! You can commit 45 minutes to your health every single day for 1 week, I promise you- and if it’s your story that you can’t, it’s time to SERIOUSLY re-evaluate what you are making a priority in your life! I
Besides that, you will be SO surprised by how much time you free up when you aren’t constantly worrying and thinking about your next meal- all you have to do is make one fresh pot every morning and you are good to go- most people don’t realize they are spending up to 3 hours a day just figuring what they are going to eat, going shopping, etc- this cleanse is super easy and streamlined to match your lifestyle with ease and grace!
This cleanse is for you if
What You Get
-5-day cleanse instructions plus before and after protocol
-kitchari recipes with alternatives for paleo and vegan diets
-1 hour LIVE Masterclass with Amaya to learn the how, what, and why of Åyurvedic detoxing
-learn how to assess when your body is toxic
-lessons on Vata, PItta, and Kapha to build your foundational knowledge of Ayurveda
-10 days of email and video straight to your inbox to guide you through, including how to tell your body is toxic, what to expect, and how to integrate for lasting benefits
-Community support via Facebook Group
-Optional herbal support during your cleanse (add on, please let us know you are interested)
-SMS support for VIP tier clients (private coaching clients only, please contact us if you would like to work with Amaya directly)
$27.00 $35.00
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